London Firepits | Natural Gas Fire Pits in London Ontario

furnace maintenance in london ontario

Furnace Maintenance

furnace maintenance in london

Serving London and area for your furnace maintenance.

Want to keep warm this winter and prevent any unexpected furnace breakdowns?

Our furnace maintenance catches problems before they occur. Our experts make sure your furnace is operating at maximum efficiency all season long.

We look at all aspects of your furnace

Our experts look at:


-Inspection of heat exchanger for cracks, These cracks can lead to CO (carbon monoxide) an odorless toxic gas that can be life threatening

-Cleaning of gas burners to prevent plugged burners allowing gas to flow smoothly

-Pulling out the blower wheel and cleaning the build up of dust and debris. A clean blower increase the life expectancy of any blower motor

-Checking gas pressures on the gas valve and adjusting accordingly to increase burner efficiency

-Testing all safeties

-Doing a CO test on all furnaces to ensure safe operation. If no testing port is installed, our experts will install one on the maintenance



Getting a yearly furnace maintenance is proven to extend your furnace lifespan and as a result, keep your furnace working efficiently so you don’t have to stress about unexpected down time.

Properly maintaining your furnace will keep it running for years to come. Some benefits of having us check your furnace and maintain it are :

1 – It saves you money  – when properly running your furnace will run much more efficiently and save you money on your utility bill. Another big money savers is a furnace that is maintained will avoid significant repairs or replacements.

2 – Efficiency – a well kept machine runs more efficiently for its life span. Unclean or neglected machines must work harder to provide the same amount of heating as a piece of well-maintained equipment. HVAC
maintenance is critical for a variety of reasons. Regular inspections and follow-up on minor issues will let homeowners enjoy the convenience of a system without fear of it malfunctioning. A well-maintained unit is
less likely to have significant issues, resulting in less inconvenience and high costs.

3 – Life of your system – The better a person’s HVAC equipment is maintained, the longer it will
perform adequately and offer cooling and warmth to a home or building.
Given the amount of money spent on an HVAC system, it’s understandable
that the owner would want to maintain it functioning as efficiently as

Most furnaces require emergency repairs at some point. Units that have been well-maintained are less likely to fail during the months of heavy use. Keeping a unit up to date on all inspections and maintenance checks reduces the risk of it breaking down when it’s most required.